January 11, 2025, 11:00 a.m.
Enter with Praise
Avielah Sprenkle
Welcome & Prayer
Peter Petgrave
Opening Hymn
304 Faith of Our Fathers
Offering Call
Joel Petgrave
Religious Liberty
Scripture Reading
Michael Nelson
Phil 4:11-13
Morning Prayer
Peter Petgrave
Children's Story
Rachel Nelson
Special Music
Amy, Lily, Jessenia, Justin, Adriel and Michael
Morning Message
Harry Nelson
My Rights, or His Rights
Closing Hymn
567 Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Harry Nelson
Pianist: Doug Pratt Choristers: Avielah Sprenkle
Sunset Today: 5:47PM
Sunset Next Friday:5:54PM
Sunset Next Friday:5:54PM
Transfer In/Second Reading
Lorenzo Rocco from Greeneville SDA Church (Greeneville TN)
Alandra Rocco from Greeneville SDA Church (Greeneville TN)
The church plant The church plant meets in the fellowship hall for Sabbath school. Please attend if you are interested in being involved. For more information please contact Keith Detwieler at (816-261-6142) or kdetwieler@southbaysda.org
In the final charge from GYC 2024, Shane Anderson, the Pastor from Pioneer Memorial church, preached a powerful sermon on the importance of church planting. View the final charge.
Elder's Fellowship Meal: There will be a fellowship meal at the Nelson's home on Sabbath, January 11 for the Elder's and their families. All Elder's are asked to attend with their families.
Vespers: January 11 beginning at 5PM will be a report by the Timor-Leste mission trip team. It will include reports by team members, a multimedia (slides and video) presentation. We are happy that Faith Anderson will be able to be a part of our program, as well.
Game Night: After the Timor - Leste vespers, Fredra has a game night planned. There will be interactive and board games. You can bring any games.Please bring finger food to share. All are welcome.
Lost and Found: Have you lost something here at South Bay? It may be in our Lost and Found located in the childrens' wing. There are some nice things that will soon be taken to the Samaritan Center or Goodwill.
United in Prayer | Every Sabbath, 8:50-9:20 a.m. | South Bay SDA Church
Please note that the united time of prayer every Sabbath morning is from 8:50-9:20 a.m.
The prayer team would like you to know that they have organized to pray for every family and every child in the church. If you would like to request prayer for a specific person or issue, you can request prayer at southbaysda.org/prayer.
This Week
Deaconess Meeting: All the deaconess are encouraged to attend for a planning meeting on Jan 12 at 10AM at the church.
Midweek Connection resumes this Tuesday at 6:30PM with elder Royce Snyman and the topic is on The Return of the Latter Rain.
Health Ministry Training: Monday, Jan. 13 6:30p.m. Plan now to attend Health Ministry training for 2025 for all our health programs. We will discuss how to incorporate friendship evangelism in the most effective way into every interaction at the health programs. Learn about the programs planned and how you can be a part. IPlease read Ministry of Healing chapter 41, "In Contact with Others" before we meet.
Fellowship Meal for Jan 18:
Diana Grakov will lead and train fellowship meal leaders and helpers during the month of January
Theme: Mexican - Enchiladas, tamale casseroles, burritos, rice and beans, fried rice, etc.
A-I: Entree PLUS Salad
J-Z: Entree PLUS fruit or healthy dessert
If you are going to stay for the fellowship meal, please contribute. We have lots of guests each Sabbath. Let’s show hospitality to them by bringing DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of the main dish. If you are single and want to bring something, you can bring a bag of chips, fruits, or nuts. Thank you!
Prayer Ministry: In an effort to bathe our church in prayer in 2025, prayer ministries is coordinating an effort by which we are asking every member to be involved in praying for every church member two days out of the year. Imagine if every day of 2025, you knew that someone in your church family was lifting your name up specifically in prayer. Please sign up for two days using the calendar in the church foyer.
United in Prayer - YOUTH: A prayer line led by youth is taking place each week day at 6:46AM! This prayer line is led by young people but is open to anyone who would like to participate.
Deaconess Ministry: The deaconesses will be visiting people in need or shut - ins. If you know anyone who needs visitation, please contact Marian Kelch at 563-260-5118.
Morning Prayer Line: Remember we meet each weekday morning from 5:30-6 AM for prayer via ZOOM and Sabbath mornings from 8:50 - 9:20 AM here at the church. The ZOOM link is under the prayer section of the church app.
Further Out
UPCOMING EVENTS | Mark Your Calendars
- January 11 - Elder's Potluck and Meeting
- January 11 - Homeless Ministry 2PM
- January 11 - Mission Report Vespers from Timor Leste 5PM
- January 12 - Deaconess Planning Meeting 10AM
- January 14 - PF/ADV Meeting 5:30PM
- January 14 - Midweek Connection 6:30PM
- January 15 - Personal Ministries Meeting 7PM
- January 18 - Fellowship Meal
- January 18 - Afternoon Outreach Activity 1:30PM
- January 18 - Singles Ministry 6PM
- January 19 - TCI Project 10AM
- January 20 - Dinner with the Doctor 6PM
- January 21 - PF/ADV Meeting 5:30PM
- January 21 - Midweek Connection
- January 25 - Greeter Fellowship Meal
- January 25 - Pathfinder Bible Experience
- January 25 - Nursing Home Ministry. 3PM
- January 25 - AY Vespers 5PM
- January 25 - Samaritan Center Dock Offloading 6PM
- January 27 - Best Weigh 6PM
- January 28 - PF/ADV Meeting 5:30PM
- January 28 - Midweek Connectio n 6:30PM
Offering Report
Yearly budget goal | $174,776.16 |
Monthly budget goal | $14,564.68 |
Church budget received MTD | $35,616.12 |